Copa Airlines provides passengers the option to purchase an additional seat to increase their comfort while traveling or to take an special item on it.

To be able to buy an extra seat you should take into consideration some conditions:

  • You must pay the 100% of the adult fare that applies to the portion of the trip which will you use the extra seat, for example, if you require an extra seat from Miami to Bogota you must pay the full adult fare for this route.
  • You can purchase an extra seat with the same fare that you buy your ticket , as long as both tickets are purchased at the same time. This is only available through our Sales Offices and Call Center. If you purchase the extra seat the day of your flight, the fare that is going to be charged should be available at the time; if there are no seats available for purchase, you will have to travel on the next flight that has available seats together.
  • You must request the assignment of both seats, both for the original ticket and the extra seat, to ensure the availability of contiguous seating.
    • If the fare purchased for the extra seat is a Basic Economy, an additional fee will be incurred for seat selection, as well as for the original ticket.
  • If you purchase an extra seat for the comfort of your pet, you must ensure that your canine companion does not go over the seats. It must sit on the floor in front of the assigned seat and cannot occupy space in the aisle.
  • Applies the checked baggage for each ticket. This means that you will be entitled to double the baggage allowance according to the purchased fare. However, the carry-on baggage allowance is not doubled. 
  • Checked baggage limits are established based on the number of seats purchased.
    • If you purchase two seats, the corresponding baggage allowance of each ticket applies.
    • If you have a Prefermember status with ConnectMiles, the baggage allowance applies to the ticket associated with the frequent traveler number, while the second ticket is assigned the allowance corresponding to its fare.
    • The carry-on baggage limit is not doubled.
  • In the event of purchasing an extra seat for Cabin Baggage, this service cannot be paid using discount coupons or travel certificates.
  • For ConnectMiles members purchasing an extra seat, they are eligible to earn reward miles equivalent to the purchased fare. They will not receive qualifying miles or qualifying segments for the additional seat purchased, nor will they receive PreferMember benefits such as mileage bonuses.
    • To request the crediting of reward miles for the additional seat, you must contact our ConnectMiles Service Center and provide the ticket number, flight date, flight number, origin, and destination.
  • The extra seat can not be purchased with travel certificates or coupons discounts. The maximum weight for objects can not exceed 175 lbs. The item to be located in the extra seat must be properly packaged, so no harm can be cause to the rest of the passengers.
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